Modo assign hotkey linear falloff
Modo assign hotkey linear falloff

modo assign hotkey linear falloff

Then images and then a detailed description. you can add information about the polygon channels and attributes of the selected object and the ability to bind these properties with Wire parameters in the comments, I will add an example of the visual appearance of the panel, and if you have any ideas, you can suggest For Russian speakers: хотелось бы иметь в 3dsmax интерактивную панель свойств объекта. it would be nice to have a panel that can be attached to the 3dsmax interface, where all the properties of the selected object will be displayed and edited. now, to change some properties of an object, you have to call the Quad menu every time and go to properties, then close it to continue working. I would like to have an interactive panel of object properties in 3dsmax.

modo assign hotkey linear falloff modo assign hotkey linear falloff

I've been using transmographier to help, but it doesn't work if u need to change the topology PolyDraw - Extend with Symmetry, it will help a lot do the retopology, right now we can use the symmetry modifier but we actually can't smooth in the center, so we need to convert to editable poly to relax the middle, it's time consuming and we need to do it few times until the retopo is finished Transfer vertex count - I miss that so much while I'm working with blend shapes, the back and fourth max to zbrush usually breaks the polycount and there is no way to recover it on Max, I've been using Maya for it, and something similar would be awesome Unwrap UVW - It would be amazing to be able to do the UV's without being a modifier, sometimes we need to insert a loop to make it works, and we need to transform to editable poly, insert, and then unwrap again, it's so much time consuming Thank you y'all Symmetry as a turn ON/OFF on edit poly, it will help a lot to fix models with UVs and final topology, the current symmetry as a modifier doesn't allow to keep with the same UV's and we need to do extra work. Hi, as a Character modelling I'd like to suggest some few things that I miss the most.

Modo assign hotkey linear falloff